Friday, April 22, 2016

A Little Piece of Mississippi

Last year my mom encouraged me to participate in The Sketchbook Project. While I had heard of it in the past, I had never considered submitting a sketchbook (if you've never heard of it check it out here). Basically you buy a small sketchbook through them, do whatever you want to it, then mail it back and it becomes part of the permanent collection of the Brooklyn Art Library. Anyone can come in and check out your book (and if you get it digitized people can even view it all online). So I thought it would be cool that New York would get a little piece of Mississippi.  And me.

It turned out to be more of a reflection on myself than I planned. There's paintings and drawings of myself and of every member of my little family (yes even our dog Moxie got a page). There's poems I've written, places where I live that I sketched, things that represent my past but a lot of things that show the direction of my art in the future. Its interesting to me that so much of myself fell out onto these pages. I think I was happy to share it so it made parting with the sketchbook a lot easier.

Front cover

A little about me.

There you have it! If you are ever in New York I hope you check it out. And I'd say maybe even attempt your own sketch book for next year. You may surprise yourself.

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