Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016 Goals!

So if you're anything like me, a new year feels like a fresh start. A fresh start usually begins with resolutions. I have made plenty in the past (although I do refrain from setting fitness resolutions lol) but this year I'd like to think about it in terms of GOALS. Goals seem a bit more attainable to me. Especially realistic ones. I've gotten better about knowing how to set goals that I can actually reach instead of highly unlikely ones that make me feel defeated.
Here are some of my goals for the new year (as an artist, mom and wife):

1. Work on my time management

 I know this one doesn't sound too fun but I definitely need it! I want to be able to maximize my time to balance all the things I love, being a mom, spending time with Justin and painting/being creative. While I've gotten better over the years (having a toddler will help!), I'd really like to get better at planning out things for Jude, juggling commissions, finishing things on time, and all around scheduling my days/weeks so I can be more productive and less frazzled. Pro-active instead of reactionary!

2. Make more pottery!

I've been missing clay like crazy and now that I have everything all set up and the kiln has it's new parts, it's time to get back into it. Although that might be kinda tricky with a toddler, it's definitely a goal to strive for.

3. Have my first solo show

While I've been involved with tons of art shows and collaborated with a lot of talented artists over the years, I've never had a show of just my own work. I'd love to challenge myself and rise to the task of putting it all together.

4. Plan more adventures.

This doesn't necessarily mean a huge trip, or flying any where (although sign me up!) but I'd like to explore more of the area around me and beyond. I'd love to go camping and use our kayaks more. Try new things and constantly learn, while also overcoming the things I'm afraid to do or try.

5. A few random things...
This year I want to be more consistent in my art work and practice daily, finish each piece before moving on to the next and to stop comparing my work to others. I want to push the limits of my ability, which could result with making bad art. Something that I need to be ok with. Because learning = sucking. Not every piece will be successful and that is totally ok.

Well there you have it! I'm sure I'll add more to the list as I think about it, but these were the most important to me. Feel free to chime in with your own. I like hearing what people think when they look out over the new year into the future. I'm excited to see what this year brings.



  1. Learning = sucking. Excellent I have now stolen this quote from you and am turning it into a poster for my classroom. I'll put your name on it!

    1. Haha! Awesome!
      It's so true too. I don't know why we think we will be amazing at something we just learned (and then become discouraged to continue learning). Yes some have a natural ability but everyone sucks at something when they first learn it.
